Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hello to every one,,, something I need to ask,, no one will answer me,, but I need to put this out there,,

We went to see Kenny Rodgers Aug 21 , it was his 71st birthday..

But.... we were shock at his apperance, he is so VERY THIN, I am wondering if he is not well.

I know he had a face lift,,, but what did the do with the rest of him,,????

He gave a great show, sang just like the old days ,, but he looked very tired..

You all know I am old also!!!!(laughing)

But, seeing him like this bothers me, we have lost so many wonderful stars,,

this year ,, I just pray he is okay,,,,

Well, Like I said I just needed to put this on here,,

Lets all remeber him in our prayers ,, in case something is wrong,, I sure hope not!


1 comment:

Chatty Crone said...

He got old like us?