Monday, May 04, 2009

Hi to every one~~~~~yes it is me!!!
It is a bitch,,, this broken arm stuff!!!
I can almost use the key board,,
but I wanted you all to know, I am doing better,,
Thanks to My sister, Marie for letting you all know about my "TRIP!!!"
I have to go back to doc's next week I hope every thingis okay.
But ,,,a word of advise.........Learn to do things with your left hand
if you are right handed,,,,,,You would not believe the things you can not do ,,,( untill you learn how!) with your left hand!!!!
Well, thats about it for now,,
you all take care of yourselves,,,,
Happy Mothers day,, if I do not get back to you !
Fron Fran~~~~~ "the old chick with a broken wing!!!!!!"


Chatty Crone said...

Welcome back and thanks for checking out my Blog. Classy Chassy set us up!

You seem like my kind of friend too.

Glad you are getting better.

ClassyChassy said...

Yes - welcome back!!! Are you typing with one hand???

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Mother's Day -